Private Health Fund Switch

It's your right to switch private health insurance!

Did you know you can switch health funds at any time? Well you can.

There won't be a waiting period if you keep the same level of hospital cover, unless your payments
are not up to date or if you are already serving a waiting period with your old fund.

Your 'lifetime health cover' won't be affected. And your old fund will pay back any money you've paid in advance.

Portability rules protect consumers when switching health funds.

Click here for the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman guide on tranferring health insurance entitlements between health insurers or policies.

For more information visit or call the Private Health Insurance Ombudsman on: 1300 737 299

Switching health funds is quick and easy

Create a conversation with your patient

Help your patients to understand their rights when it comes to Health Insurance.

Click here to download a PDF copy of the 'It's your right to switch' poster for your medical practice.