History of Anaesthesia Timeline

Since 3600BCE humans have experimented with methods and materials leading to our current understanding of anaesthesia. Please explore our document timeline  developed by our Honorary Historian Dr Reg Cammack who has gleaned and collated these snippets of information from numerous sources in the world's literature. It contains a word search facility to help if you are looking for a specific topic. By necessity, the notes are not meant to be comprehensive but are designed to stimulate the reader to research in more detail any topic that may be of interest. The timeline is an ongoing project and is added to several times a year.

To explore the most recent additions only click here. Sections highlighted in yellow indicate items in the timeline that have been updated. Sections highlighted in white and blue are new additions to the timeline.


Working in Sydney’s Operating Theatres

Have you ever wondered what surgery was like 100 years ago? Can you yourself recall the smell of ether? Step back in time and explore our online exhibition Working in Sydney’s Operating Theatres and listen to the collective memories of our anaesthetists as they recollect their experiences.

For further information please contact our Curator.